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The Storm Bow is a weapon used by Corvus in Heretic II.


These arrows fired from this bow explode on contact with a target and also cause a burst of acid rain and lightning that surrounds the target; this will harm Corvus if he is standing too close. When powered up by the Tome of Power the arrows explode in a green cloud followed by an explosion and lightning that tracks along the ground around the target. These arrows should definitely not be used at close range.

Heretic II - Weapons & Artifacts
Weapons &
Weapons Durhnwood StaffHellstaffStorm BowPhoenix Bow
Offensive Spells Flaming FistThunder BlastSphere of AnnihilationFirewallIron Doom
Defensive Spells Tome of PowerRing of RepulsionTeleportMeteor SwarmMorph Ovum
Lightning Shield
Ammunition Mana ( OffensiveDefensiveCombo ) • HellOrbStorm ArrowsPhoenix Arrows
Healing Health VialHealth Potion
Shrines SpiritManaLungs of the SsithraReflectiveArmorBladeGhostChaosLight of the SeraphFlight