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The Hydra is an enemy encountered in Hexen II.

Attacks & Strategy[]

These squid-like monsters lurk in the waterworks and make sure you pay close attention when swimming. It can fire a blot of ink to obscure your vision and uses its spiky tentacles to sting you from all angles. Individually, such an attack doesn't cause much damage, but don't wait around to kill it. It is not able to land attacks when you’re outside the water.


Hexen II - Enemies
Normal Black SpiderRed SpiderKnight ArcherArcher LordHydraSkull WizardShadow WizardFire Imp
Ice ImpStone GolemIron GolemBronze GolemCrystal GolemSand ScorpionBog Scorpion
Were JaguarWere PantherMummyMummy LordMedusaFallen AngelFallen Angel LordSheep
Boss FamineDeathPestilenceWarEidolon