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Field of Judgement is the eighth and final level of The Stagnant Demesne, the fifth episode of Heretic, and the second of the Shadow of the Serpent Riders expansion.

It is the site of the game's fifth and last boss battle; also, the second time Maulotaurs are used as bosses. This encounter is considerably more difficult than the previous one.


The level begins in a fully enclosed metal structure, which seemingly has no exits. The room gives you a very generous loadout, with every weapon except the Firemace, a full stock of armor and health, a Tome of Power, a Bag of Holding, a set of Wings of Wrath, a Ring of Invulnerability, a Shadowsphere and ammo for everything, including a full complement of large Phoenix Rod spheres in the center. Gather everything that you can and prepare yourself, because you will need it all.

Once you step on the Serpent Riders' symbol (either through the Wings of Wrath or through jumping if you're using a source port), the walls will open, revealing a large (but completely enclosed by solid walls) arena, where you will have to face D'Sparil's personal guard - a cadre of vicious Maulotaurs.

The key to surviving this fight is to keep moving and do not get boxed in -- especially on Smite-Meister and Black Plague, getting boxed in by Maulotaurs will be the end of you. Try to bunch all of the Maulotaurs into one group so you can hit them easily with the Hellstaff or the Phoenix Rod's primary fire while circle-strafing them. The pillars are good cover against the Maulotaurs' fireballs and ground fire, and the arena is large enough that you do not have to get close to them if you don't want to. Like all final levels in the game, don't worry about saving ammo and powerups for later. Use everything you've got because this is it.

Once the last Maulotaur falls, the eight pillars of the arena will lower, revealing the final exit portals. Entering any of them will end the episode and the game, as Corvus journeys on towards an unknown fate...

As the final maulotaur bellows his death-agony, you realize that you have never come so close to your own destruction. Not even the fight with D'Sparil and his disciples had been this desperate. Grimly you stare at the gates which open before you, wondering if they lead home, or if they open onto some undreamed-of horror. You find yourself wondering if you have the strength to go on, if nothing but death and pain await you. But what else can you do, if the will to fight is gone? Can you force yourself to continue in the face of such despair? Do you have the courage? You find, in the end, that it is not within you to surrender without a fight. Eyes wide, you go to meet your fate.


To be Added

Single-Player Stats[]


HereticStatIcon Difficulty Level
1-2 3 4-5
GargoyleIcon - - -
FireGargoyleIcon - - -
GolemIcon - - -
NitrogolemGhostIcon - - -
NitrogolemIcon - - -
GolemGhostIcon - - -
UWIcon - - -
UWGhostIcon - - -
DiscipleIcon - - -
WeredragonIcon - - -
SabreclawIcon - - -
OphidianIcon - - -
LichIcon - - -
MaulotaurIcon 3 6 8
SerpentIcon - - -
DsparilIcon - - -
Total 3 6 8

Weapons and Ammo[]

HereticStatIcon Difficulty Level
1-2 3 4-5
GauntletsSprite 1 1 1
CrossbowSprite 1 1 1
DragonClawSprite 1 1 1
HellstaffSprite 1 1 1
PhoenixRodSprite 1 1 1
FiremaceSprite - - -

HereticStatIcon Difficulty Level
1-2 3 4-5
WandCrystalSprite - - -
GeodeSprite - - -
EtherealArrowSprite - - -
EtherealQuiverSprite 4 4 8
ClawOrbSprite - - -
EnergyOrbSprite 4 4 8
LesserRuneSprite - - -
GreaterRuneSprite 8 8 14
FlameOrbSprite - - -
InfernoOrbSprite 8 8 16
MaceSphereSprite - - -
MaceSpherePileSprite - - -


HereticStatIcon Difficulty Level
1-2 3 4-5
CrystalVialSprite - - -
QuartzFlaskSprite 8 8 8
MysticUrnSprite 1 1 1
SilverSheildSprite 1 1 1
EnShieldSprite 1 1 1
TorchSprite - - -
MapScrollSprite - - -
BOHSprite 1 1 1
ShadowsphereSprite 1 1 1
TomePowerSprite 1 1 1
InvRingSprite 1 1 1
WingsSprite 1 1 1
ChaosDeviceSprite - - -
EggSprite - - -
TimeBombSprite - - -

Multiplayer Stats[]

To be Added

Notes & Trivia[]

  • It is never revealed why these bodyguards were not present during Corvus's battle with D'Sparil. One possible explanation is that the Serpent Rider deliberately left them behind, to watch over the Stagnant Demesne in his absence.
  • This is the only boss level not to involve any Iron liches or non-boss enemis.
  • This is the only level where gargoyles and fire gargoyles doesn't appear.

External Links[]

Heretic - Episodes & Levels
Episode 1
City of the Damned
The DocksThe DungeonsThe GatehouseThe Guard TowerThe CitadelThe Cathedral
The CryptsHell's MawThe Graveyard
Episode 2
Hell's Maw
The CraterThe Lava PitsThe River of FireThe Ice GrottoThe CatacombsThe Labyrinth
The Great HallThe Portals of ChaosThe Glacier
Episode 3
The Dome of D'Sparil
The StorehouseThe CesspoolThe ConfluenceThe Azure FortressThe Ophidian Lair
The Halls of FearThe ChasmD'Sparil's KeepThe Aquifer
Episode 4
The Ossuary
CatafalqueBlockhouseAmbulatorySepulcherGreat StairHalls of the Apostate
Ramparts of PerditionShattered BridgeMausoleum
Episode 5
The Stagnant Demesne
Ochre CliffsRapidsQuayCourtyardHydratyrColonnadeFoetid Manse
Field of JudgementSkein of D'Sparil
Extra Episode
Fate's Path
Raven's LairThe Water ShrineAmerican's Legacy