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Shattered Bridge is the eighth and final level of The Ossuary, the fourth episode of Heretic, and the first of the Shadow of the Serpent Riders expansion. It is the site of the game's fourth boss battle, which is the second time Iron Liches are used as bosses. This encounter is considerably more difficult than the previous one.

The level is mostly outdoors. This appears to be the heart of the cursed domain that was conquered by D'Sparil a long time ago. It houses a key portal, which leads directly to the Serpent Rider's old lair. This portal, however, is watched over by the malevolent guardians of this decaying world. The shattered bridge itself is a mini-puzzle, which requires the player to shoot certain wall sections in order to raise the missing parts of the bridge. The bridge area is notable for a strong wind that pushes the players and throws off their aim.


As you shoot at the enemies on the other side of the water stray shots hitting various parts of the back wall will raise sections of the bridge, if any sections need raising after they are dead start shooting strips of wall around the elevators until the bridge is complete. Cross the bridge and go to the rightmost elevator, as soon as you step onto the ledge at the top drop back down, a platform has briefly lowered next to the elevator. Run around and drop off the other ledge, as you drop a door will open back on the platform you just jumped off so repeat the process to get back up. This gives you the yellow key, and counts as a secret. From here you can either go through the large door and then activate a pillar to lower it and reach the yellow door, or ride up a lift next to to the door and explore the upper area then drop down behind the pillars, while exploring these higher areas, all skeleton themed wall sections function as doors.

Behind the yellow door is a switch that will lower the walls on either side of you, these walls will rise again as soon as you step over them, sealing you in the final area. Pressing the switch in this room lowers the wall behind you, have fun with all those Iron Liches in a confined space. After the battle the central pillar lowers revealing the exit.


  1. See main tutorial for obtaining the yellow key.
  2. Ride up the elevator on either side of the large door, pass through the skeleton doors until you are looking through bars into the area behind the yellow door, the area behind this skeleton door is a secret.
  3. Same as 2 but on the other side of the door.
You thought you would return to your own world after D'Sparil died, but his final act banished you to his own plane. Here you entered the shattered remnants of lands conquered by D'Sparil. You defeated the last guardians of these lands, but now you stand before the gates to D'Sparil's stronghold. Until this moment you had no doubts about your ability to face anything you might encounter, but beyond this portal lies the very heart of the evil which invaded your world. D'Sparil might be dead, but the pit where he was spawned remains. Now you must enter that pit in the hopes of finding a way out. And somewhere, in the darkest corner of D'Sparil's demesne, his personal bodyguards await your arrival ...


To be Added

Single-Player Stats[]


HereticStatIcon Difficulty Level
1-2 3 4-5
GargoyleIcon 9 13 17
FireGargoyleIcon - - -
GolemIcon - - -
NitrogolemGhostIcon - - -
NitrogolemIcon 16 30 32
GolemGhostIcon 18 23 26
UWIcon - - -
UWGhostIcon 2 3 3
DiscipleIcon 11 11 11
WeredragonIcon - - -
SabreclawIcon - - -
OphidianIcon - - -
LichIcon 5 7 9
MaulotaurIcon - - -
SerpentIcon - - -
DsparilIcon - - -
Total 61 87 98

Weapons and Ammo[]

HereticStatIcon Difficulty Level
1-2 3 4-5
GauntletsSprite 1 1 1
CrossbowSprite 1 1 1
DragonClawSprite 1 1 1
HellstaffSprite 1 1 1
PhoenixRodSprite 1 1 1
FiremaceSprite - - -

HereticStatIcon Difficulty Level
1-2 3 4-5
WandCrystalSprite 14 13 10
GeodeSprite 2 2 2
EtherealArrowSprite 15 15 10
EtherealQuiverSprite 1 1 1
ClawOrbSprite 18 16 12
EnergyOrbSprite 1 1 1
LesserRuneSprite 15 15 13
GreaterRuneSprite 1 1 1
FlameOrbSprite 13 9 7
InfernoOrbSprite 2 2 2
MaceSphereSprite 2 2 2
MaceSpherePileSprite 2 2 2


HereticStatIcon Difficulty Level
1-2 3 4-5
CrystalVialSprite 50 42 32
QuartzFlaskSprite 15 12 9
MysticUrnSprite 1 1 1
SilverSheildSprite 1 1 1
EnShieldSprite 1 1 1
TorchSprite 1 1 1
MapScrollSprite - - -
BOHSprite 2 2 1
ShadowsphereSprite 1 1 1
TomePowerSprite 2 2 1
InvRingSprite 1 1 1
WingsSprite - - -
ChaosDeviceSprite 1 1 1
EggSprite 1 1 1
TimeBombSprite 8 6 4

Multiplayer Stats[]

To be Added

Notes & Trivia[]

  • This is the only boss level to feature any keys, and the only level of any episode where the yellow key opens an exit door.
  • This is also the last boss level to involve water and to feature any non-boss enemies.
  • As mentioned above, this is the second time the Iron liches are bosses, but unlike the first, this time, killing off all of the liches does kill off any remaining non-boss enemies.

External Links[]

Heretic - Episodes & Levels
Episode 1
City of the Damned
The DocksThe DungeonsThe GatehouseThe Guard TowerThe CitadelThe Cathedral
The CryptsHell's MawThe Graveyard
Episode 2
Hell's Maw
The CraterThe Lava PitsThe River of FireThe Ice GrottoThe CatacombsThe Labyrinth
The Great HallThe Portals of ChaosThe Glacier
Episode 3
The Dome of D'Sparil
The StorehouseThe CesspoolThe ConfluenceThe Azure FortressThe Ophidian Lair
The Halls of FearThe ChasmD'Sparil's KeepThe Aquifer
Episode 4
The Ossuary
CatafalqueBlockhouseAmbulatorySepulcherGreat StairHalls of the Apostate
Ramparts of PerditionShattered BridgeMausoleum
Episode 5
The Stagnant Demesne
Ochre CliffsRapidsQuayCourtyardHydratyrColonnadeFoetid Manse
Field of JudgementSkein of D'Sparil
Extra Episode
Fate's Path
Raven's LairThe Water ShrineAmerican's Legacy