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Heretic Wiki

The Crater is the first level of Hell's Maw, the second episode of Heretic.

The level takes places within two large lava-filled caverns, presumably near the crater of an active volcano. The level theme is entirely natural - with walls of bare rock and various outcroppings from the floor and ceiling. It introduces the player to the Weredragon and the Hellstaff.


You begin facing a wall of hardened lava. Walk around this wall to find yourself in an outdoor area facing three passages. Only the middle one is open, so go through it. At the end of the passage, collect the Ethereal Crossbow and pull the switch. Backtrack and head through the second passage which is now open. After having met a new enemy - the Weredragon - and proceeded further, you will find yourself in a cave with a pool of lava at one side. Drop into the lava and hurry around the central rock to find the yellow key there in a teleporter. Grab it and you will reappear near the start of the level. Head through the yellow door into another cave. The green key is on a rock at the northern end of the cave. Hurry across the lava to grab it, then go back up the stairs. Cross the bridge and use the green key to open the exit.


  1. In the northeast of the Weredragon cave, there is a wall that appears lighter. Open it to find a secret chamber containing a Silver Shield, a Tome of Power and a Crystal Geode along with some smaller ammunition bonuses. There are also some Gargoyles guarding the goodies.
  2. After you cross the bridge towards the green door, backtrack and find a passage opened into the Weredragon cave. Go through and you will find a secret chamber opened nearby, where you can collect bonuses, including a Bag of Holding and a new weapon, the Hellstaff.

Unofficial Secrets

  1. Near the green key, there is a wall that has some brown stone at the bottom. This is a secret door concealing yet another new item, a Mystic Urn. The second one of the two Crystal Geodes can also be discovered here.


Single-Player Stats[]


HereticStatIcon Difficulty Level
1-2 3 4-5
GargoyleIcon 11 17 25
FireGargoyleIcon 4 7 8
GolemIcon - - -
NitrogolemGhostIcon - - -
NitrogolemIcon - - -
GolemGhostIcon - - -
UWIcon - - -
UWGhostIcon - - -
DiscipleIcon - - -
WeredragonIcon 6 9 12
SabreclawIcon - - -
OphidianIcon - - -
LichIcon - - -
MaulotaurIcon - - -
SerpentIcon - - -
DsparilIcon - - -
Total 21 33 45

Weapons and Ammo[]

HereticStatIcon Difficulty Level
1-2 3 4-5
GauntletsSprite - - -
CrossbowSprite 1 1 1
DragonClawSprite 1 1 1
HellstaffSprite 1 1 1
PhoenixRodSprite - - -
FiremaceSprite - - -

HereticStatIcon Difficulty Level
1-2 3 4-5
WandCrystalSprite 19 16 14
GeodeSprite 2 2 2
EtherealArrowSprite 22 19 18
EtherealQuiverSprite 1 1 1
ClawOrbSprite 12 12 9
EnergyOrbSprite 1 1 1
LesserRuneSprite - - -
GreaterRuneSprite - - -
FlameOrbSprite - - -
InfernoOrbSprite - - -
MaceSphereSprite - - -
MaceSpherePileSprite - - -


HereticStatIcon Difficulty Level
1-2 3 4-5
CrystalVialSprite 41 34 22
QuartzFlaskSprite 6 5 2
MysticUrnSprite 1 1 1
SilverSheildSprite 1 1 1
EnShieldSprite - - -
TorchSprite 1 1 1
MapScrollSprite - - -
BOHSprite 1 1 1
ShadowsphereSprite 1 1 1
TomePowerSprite 1 1 1
InvRingSprite - - -
WingsSprite 1 1 1
ChaosDeviceSprite - - -
EggSprite - - -
TimeBombSprite - - -

Multiplayer Stats[]

To be Added

Notes & Trivia[]

To be Added

External Links[]

Heretic - Episodes & Levels
Episode 1
City of the Damned
The DocksThe DungeonsThe GatehouseThe Guard TowerThe CitadelThe Cathedral
The CryptsHell's MawThe Graveyard
Episode 2
Hell's Maw
The CraterThe Lava PitsThe River of FireThe Ice GrottoThe CatacombsThe Labyrinth
The Great HallThe Portals of ChaosThe Glacier
Episode 3
The Dome of D'Sparil
The StorehouseThe CesspoolThe ConfluenceThe Azure FortressThe Ophidian Lair
The Halls of FearThe ChasmD'Sparil's KeepThe Aquifer
Episode 4
The Ossuary
CatafalqueBlockhouseAmbulatorySepulcherGreat StairHalls of the Apostate
Ramparts of PerditionShattered BridgeMausoleum
Episode 5
The Stagnant Demesne
Ochre CliffsRapidsQuayCourtyardHydratyrColonnadeFoetid Manse
Field of JudgementSkein of D'Sparil
Extra Episode
Fate's Path
Raven's LairThe Water ShrineAmerican's Legacy